Thursday, June 14, 2012

WK24 - June

June 14, 2012

Abbie 5th Grade Graduation

This week has been busy for us.  Abbie had her 5th Grade graduation at North Ridge Elementary.  It’s hard to believe that she has graduated from 5th grade already.  She received a Silver Presidential Award and that was a pretty big deal.  President Obama signed it himself.  She has a few weeks off before she starts Durant Middle School.  She will be attending a year round school which will be quite a big change for her.  She goes to a Girl Scout camp this weekend for a week and is very excited about that. 

Annalina Krispy Kreme

Annalina is doing well and starting to talk more in sentences.  She will often state a noun then a verb together and she can count to 10!  I couldn’t believe it one day she was counting on the floor and then I would start counting to 10 and she would state the numbers in a row.  Wow!  She’s definitely a smart one for sure.  Potty training is coming along but not as quickly as I would like.  I guess eventually she will want to go on the potty. 

Ella 10 Months

Ella is growing so fast!  She is definitely mobile and crawling all over the place.  She is even wanting to stand up but hasn’t quite gotten that down.  She’s starting to eat more people food.  She is a bit pickier than Annalina was.  She doesn’t like baby food very much so getting her to eat any of that is a struggle.  She loves bananas, yogurt, and cheerios so breakfast is easy.  Lunch and Dinner foods are more of a struggle.  I have to try and be creative about introducing new foods.  Overall they are doing great!
