Friday, February 8, 2013

WK5 - 2013

January 30, 2013

Pam's 40th Birthday!

I had a great birthday.  Patrik bought a small cake with party hats, ect and we celebrated with the girls.  We went out that night downtown to a restaurant called Second Empire.  Here's the link below =>

It's located in an old historic renovated house.  We ate in the dining room.  They took us on a tour of the house afterwards and I received a menu engraved with my birthday and then signed by the chef.  The dinner was great and we had a really good time.

Brenda took me out to Generations Salon on Saturday Feb 2nd.  We were pampered by having a sweedish massage then a pedicure.  It was fun!

Patrik & Pam at Second Empire

Pam's 40th Birthday Cake!

Annalina at 3 years old

Ella at 17 months!

Ella Being silly

Christmas 2012

December 25, 2012

Christmas was quiet this year.  Busy at work.  Girls had fun and really enjoyed all their gifts.  Annalina especially loves her princess outfits and wears them all the time.  Ella loves her weebles and stays warm in her new winter jacket.  Abbie has already painted one of her princess statues.  I made a ham dinner and sweet bread for breakfast
Ella enjoying her new winter jacket!

Ella enjoying her new sneakers!

Annalina excited about her princess gift!

Annalina opening her princess gift!