Monday, July 23, 2012

WK30 - July

July 23, 2012

Last week was a busy week for the girls!

Annalina 2.5 Years
 Annalina has tumble bus each Monday.  Wed she had Kona Ice day which is when this truck comes to the school and they make snow cones.  It's really fun for the kids.  She brought in a guitar on show-n-share day and all the kids loved it.  Annalina is really growing and is starting to say sentances.  Her new thing now is saying "Go Away" to us.  I'm not sure where she learned that. 

Ella 11 Months
 Ella is getting big and is now officially cruising.  She stands on her legs and walks around the furniture.  Her legs are very strong now and she's doing well.  She will definitely be walking very soon.  She's also eating very well now and we should soon be saying goodbye to the bottle. 

Abbie had her first full week of Middle School and really loves it.  She likes going to the different classes and has met some new friends.

Annalina & Ella - Pool

The girls played in their little pool on the deck Saturday.  They had a good time and it was sure hot outside.  We were able to mask most of the sun by setting up the pool on the deck under the gazeebo.



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