Tuesday, March 6, 2012

March 6, 2012

March 6, 2012

Ella 6 Months

Abbie (10) & Annalina (2)

Pam, Ella, & Annalina on Sunday after Church

This week has been busy for us.  Annalina is starting to use the potty all the time.  Her teachers say she's ready and excited when she uses the potty.  Her newest line is "I did it"  She says this over and over again when she does something and she wants you to notice.  Annalina is saying more and more each week and its neat to hear her speak sentences.  She participates in the tumble bus every Monday.  It's a bus that they have converted into a gym and she has so much fun jumping around.  We have to pay extra for this but its only $20 a month and its worth it as she loves it.  Ella is growing and doing great.  She had her 6 month checkup at the Dr on Friday.  She now weighs 17.5 pounds.  She is 75th percentile in her weight, 88th percentile in her length, and 55th percentile in her head circumference.  Ella had her flu shot and this shot hurt more than the other ones.  She cried for a while and once I rocked her she was better.  She was back to her normal cheerful self shortly after.  We have nicknamed Ella "Mella Ella" because she is so mellow and calm.  She only cries when she is tired or hungry.  Ella is now eating twice a day.  Rice cereal with fruit and vegetables.  She loves sweet potatoes, hates green beans, and loves all fruit.  Anything sweet.  Well I guess she takes after my side of the family and has that sweet tooth.  Everyone says Ella looks like me because she has my blue eyes and smile.  Abbie is doing well and loves school still.  She had a Girls Scout skating outing on Saturday and she earned a badge.  She did really well selling Girl Scout cookies this year and I was able to get some people from work to buy some.  She starts middle school next year.  Time sure does fly!  She has applied to go to Durant Middle School which is right across the street from where Annalina and Ella go to daycare.  Its a year round school so it will take some getting used to with her schedule and going to school for the full summer.  Work is busy for me now as we start quarter end.  They did several layoffs last week so the atmosphere is not so good at work.  Overall everyone had a good week!  I hope you like the blog!


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