Monday, March 26, 2012

WK12 - 2012

March 26, 2012

The three Muskateers

We all had a very busy week.  Ella is starting to really communicate vocally.  She talks all the time.  Her teeth are starting to come in on the top now.  She’s having a hard time sleeping at night and is quite fussy which is unusual for her.  Last night she woke up at 11:30 and I had to rock her back to sleep in her bouncie in the family room.  She finally fell asleep and I slept next to her on the couch.  Needless to say I don’t sleep very well on the couch.  In addition she’s got quite a bit of congestion and runny nose so that isn’t helping her sleep either.  Ella is entering the separation anxiety stage now.  She cries when I leave the room.  Annalina is also getting over a cold.  Annalina was doing so well with her potty training and then over the weekend she didn’t want to use the potty.  Every time we ask her she says “No potty” and that was the end of that.  Hopefully she will get back on track this week.  I bought her some new big girl underwear at the store on Friday so hopefully this helps her get motivated again.  Annalina is doing well with her colors and communication.  I point to colors and she’s able to say what they are.  She still has quite a few tantrums each day but that’s part of being two I guess.  After about a couple of minutes she’s fine.  When we try to correct her she just says “Not nice Momma”.  Abbie had a school trip to Washington DC last week for three days.  She had such a good time!  She shared a room with her friend from school.  It was a good learning experience for her as well.  The weather has been so nice down here.  Warm and in the seventies each day.  I really don’t feel like we had much of a winter as the weather was so warm.  Looking forward to even warmer weather to come!  Have a Great Week!


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